EQUIDAE® Benefits and the Science Behind Our Formulas
Introducing what may be the largest breakthrough in quine nutrition in the last 100 years, CANIDAE® Pet Foods, Inc. is proud to offer EQUIDAE® Horse Fee. The quine industry has strayed so far away from feeding horses as Nature intended that it is not surprising that we have so many long term health issues involving hooves and stomach upset.
Horses have a unique digestive system that was designed to consume large amounts of fiber. A typical horse grazing will consume about one pound of dry matter per hour, which by the end of a day provides in excess of 12,000 calories. This will meet the daily "Maintenance" requirements of horses without any further supplementation. The problem arose when horses became "Work Horses" and were used to plow farms. Now the daily energy requirements could well exceed 40,000 calories. What is the best and "Safest" way to make up the difference in calories between what is needed, and what the horse obtains from natural fiber sources?
For years, the equine industry has recognized the serious problem with feeding high levels of energy to horses. You can't open a horse magazine without seeing an ad for another "Safe" horse feed. What are these companies doing to "Solve" the problem? Absolutely nothing! Companies are taking out wholesome grains and replacing them with low quality "processed grain by-products" as well as lower quality fiber sources such as peanut hulls, rice hulls, and oat hulls. Where do they get the energy? Soak it with high levels of fat! So now owners of performance horses are being asked to feed a "processed grain by-product" based feed sprayed with high levels of fat, because they are trying to keep the starch from making it to the hindgut. This is not even close to the best solution to the problem.
EQUIDAE®'s premium quality formulations, combined with state-of-the-art steam extrusion processing, provide a solution rather than a bandage to the problem with feeding horses high levels of energy! EQUIDAE® premium horse feed is poised to revolutionize how performance horses are fed. What makes EQUIDAE® so very unique to the market?